Yet another great kit has been released by Stampin’Up… and today I wanted to show you some of the cards made up from the kit. You can see all four cards above in the picture, and they really were quite easy to make. But here’s the thing… much as I love America, and also Americans (hec, Im even engaged to a wonderful American man!) there are times when I need to “Australianise” things a little. In this kit, there was a couple of things that I felt needed to be tweaked to make them a little more “Aussie friendly”.
The first thing is that here in Australia we don’t say “Happy Holidays”. Not. Ever. It just sounds weird to us. It’s “Merry Christmas”. Or sometimes “Happy Christmas”. But never “Happy Holidays”. One of the cards in the kit featured the words “Happy Holidays” on it, so of course I changed it to “Happy Christmas”. Easily done.
Then there is the issue of the sled. Ok.. lets be honest… there is the whole issue of a Wintry Christmas too. But somehow we have had enough exposure to that idea to appreciate it here as well. We understand that Christmas means snow, and cold, and other Wintry matters. (Even though we are more likely to swelter our way through a hot Christmas by hanging at the beach) But I somehow just couldn’t do the sled. It has been suggested to me that it would still work if we wanted to send those cards overseas to colder climates, and yes, i suppose it would. But I changed the sled to a star, and that worked better for me. Here it is…
So I am running this slightly Australianised version of the kit as an upcoming class on Tuesday night the 11th November @7.30pm. Or Thursday 13th November @ 11am. You’ll make 4 cards with me on the day, and then you will also receive your own Watercolor Winter kit to take home with you to make the remaining 16 cards… yep thats right.. the kit gives you enough to make 20 cards!
The kit itself costs $42.95, but I am charging $50 to come and make the 4 cards with me, and this includes the kit. I will of course provide any materials that you may wish to use in addition to what is in the kit.
If you don’t wish to purchase the kit, you can still do the class, and make the 4 cards for a cost of $20.
Refreshments are also provided.
Click HERE to email me soon as I will need to order the kits by mid this week (approximately the 5th November)
Below I’ve included a video to show you just what you’ll get in your kit. Enjoy!