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  1. Wow I’m first to post. I just discovered your blog and am enjoying exploring it. I subscribed so I’ll be back. Thanks for offering such great blog candy and for sharing your love of stamping.

  2. Wow, Im actually the fist to post a comment! Well I just subscribed to your blog.
    Im really hoping to win the Delight in Life. I just love that set but dont have it yet.

  3. Wow great idea! Im just starting a blog! thanks for posting blog candy! going to subscribe now! cant wait to see what your going to blog about next!

  4. Linda, I do not wish to win. I am another demo from the US. I just found your blog and wanted to say hello! If you would like to check out my blog, you can go to: I love visiting other blogs and love to look at what others are making. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to say hello and welcome to the blogging world.

  5. Great idea!! Ive been reading so many blog candy ideas for myself to post one!! This is a good idea, because I have a few of those sets around too!

  6. I am not an Aussie but I like your blog. I would tell you if you pick me to I would have you send to my friend Fiona who is also Down Under but I think she is a demo now!

    So have a good time with your contest-I wish we could get some othe sets you have here someday that we dont have.

  7. hi linda,
    i just love your work,you are a very clever lady.your beautiful card and scrapbooking inspire me to make more and more.hope to catch up soon for a chat.
    yours truly

    kerrie crawford

  8. Great blog Linda thanks for getting me hooked I love your work and the way you demonstrate.
    Thanks again (can’t wait to use my new products)
    Jo Barwick

  9. hi, what a great blog linda. i had so much fun at the first stampin up party i went to, but found it hard to get inspiration when i actually started to try new things by myself at home. now i will always have somewhere to go for ideas. i will never be stuck again. with the nice little collection of stamps i now have which is growing, and your ideas which you are so kindly sharing, i hope to get very creative.
    thanks for sharing. i will visit often

  10. This is a great site with excellent ideas and designs, just started out in the stampin world but it is extremely addictive, I just love it. With 3 kids under five its hard to find the hours in a day to be creative. I’m looking forward to seeing what other designs are posted, which probably means I will have to buy more stamps!!
    Im hooked!!

  11. dear linda, thought i sent amessage on the 29th ,but as you see…..i wasn’t successful….i’m new to this game, so heregoes again……thanks for all the help and motivation you give all us stampit up followers- fabulous ideas…it’s great to have all these ideas at hand,when your own brain looses all train of thought
    thanks again! sharen herbert….

  12. I am not sure whether I ended up leaving a comment when I subscribed so I am leaving one now. I enjoy your blog and the creative ideas you supply. Keep up the great work!
    Robyn A