Hello guys,
I know how popular the Ribbon shares have been in the past and I thought I would get things rolling from the new catalogue by offering 2 ribbon shares. Here are the share options for you:
Ribbon Share Group 1 – $30
5/8″ In Color Striped Grosgrain
You will receive 1/4 of each roll of the colours, which are Kiwi Kiss, Pink Pirouette, Riding Hood Red, Pacific Point, Baha Breeze and Tangerine Tango. That’s approximately 3.4m of each colour. That should keep you going for a while! The ribbon is the same as the one in this card:
(That’s the Kiwi Kiss one)
Ribbon Share Group 2 – $20
1″ Double Stitched Grosgrain Ribbon
You will receive 1/4 of each roll of the four colours which are: Chocolate Chip, Rose Red, Bashful Blue and Baha Breeze. The total for all 4 colours is $20 (free shipping) and this means that you will receive approximately 2.25m of each colour. Here’s a pic of what this ribbon looks like:
(You can also see some samples of this ribbon in my banner picture at the top of this blog.)
I will pay the shipping on both swaps.
OK, so if you like me are a ribbon addict, then you might want a share in both swaps… if you do, I will let you have both swaps for a total of $45, saving you both the shipping fee and an additional $5 off.
Let me know if you want to be in either or both shares by emailing me at higgiz@bigpond.com. First in, best dressed.